National Forestry Day is an initiative of AFPA and state-based advocacy associations to raise awareness of the great work forest industries do nation-wide.
On Tuesday the 20th of August, you can celebrate in your own way. We encourage you to share our social media facts below, plant a tree or have a morning tea in your workplace and share pictures to social media. Anything get the message out about how good forestry is in Australia!
Australia’s forest industries help fight climate change, provide tens of thousands of jobs, and create amazing, renewable, every day, and essential products, from house frames to copy paper.
Social media hashtag:
We all know that planting trees helps fight climate change. But did you know that planting, growing and harvesting forestry trees allows us to create essential and renewable products like house-frames, cardboard boxes and even paper straws! Happy #natforestryday24
Australia’s forestry industries support around 80,000 direct jobs nationally and another 100,000 indirectly, many of which underpin rural and regional communities. Happy #natforestryday24
The trees that make up Australia’s total plantation forestry estate store a vast amount of carbon, helping fight climate change, the same amount of carbon created by more than 56 million cars driving for a whole year! Happy #natforestryday24
Australian forestry plants around 70 million new trees every year, enough to cover 136,000 football fields. We support jobs, communities and help fight climate change. Happy #natforestryday24
Australia’s native forestry operations are the most sustainable of anywhere in the world. Every harvested tree is replaced by law protecting the environment. Native forestry also produces beautiful timber products from furniture to floorboards. Happy #natforestryday24
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