
Aussie paper and cardboard leads the way during National Recycling Week

Australians are a nation of recyclers, and nothing more so than our renewable paper and cardboard products. In fact, the volume of paper and cardboard returned is so significant it supports recovery of all other materials – something to celebrate during National Recycling Week!


Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) CEO Ross Hampton said our sustainable, local pulp and paper industry recycles more than 1.8 million tonnes annually of recovered paper and cardboard, using it to make new office paper, boxes, gift cards, tissue, paper towel and more.


“Not only is Aussie paper, tissue, and cardboard sustainably sourced and better for the environment, more than 54 percent of these products made in Australia includes recycled content. In terms of volume and reuse, nothing else compares to the recycling of paper and cardboard,” Mr Hampton said.


“Paper can be recycled about 5 to 7 times, and our successful industry drives the collection, recovery and reuse of vast quantities of valuable material.


“Even when paper has reached the end of its useful life it can be composted, and its nutrients returned to the soil. It is the ultimate in circularity, renewability, and sustainability.


“This National Recycling Week is a time to celebrate the excellent work our local paper, tissue and cardboard manufacturers do, not only creating renewable products, but leading the way on recycling too,” Mr Hampton concluded


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