Australia’s sustainable hardwood timber industry is one of the oldest surviving industries, dating back over a century. However, the industry has continued to invest and modernise, and today it uses the latest technology and research to ensure the forest environment is sustainably managed while supplying renewable timber products to the community.
Whether it’s timber floorboards, hand-crafted furniture, quality building materials or high quality paper products, Australia’s love for forest products is as strong as ever. And Australians can feel good about using wood and paper products that are Australian made because they are supporting Australian jobs, Australian communities and the environment.
The hardwood sector is a major employer in regional Australia, underpinning tens of thousands of jobs across the full value chain and an integral link in the broader forest products industry. Australia processes more than 12 million cubic metres of hardwood logs annually, across native forest estates and hardwood plantations.
Much of Australia’s hardwood sawn timber is supplied from our native forests (84 per cent), with timber production having the ability to access to only around 6 percent of Australia’s 132 million hectares of native forests and woodlands. Of this, only a very small fraction (0.06 percent) is actually harvested on public lands each year. Typically, this is regenerated using native seed stock to ensure maintenance of biodiversity following harvest. Meanwhile, around 16 percent of Australia’s native forests are located in permanent conservation reserves and will never be touched by the industry. This balance ensures that our industry remains sustainable – both environmentally and economically.
Membership of the Hardwood Processing Chamber includes hardwood sawmillers, timber processors, producers of engineered wood products and exporters of hardwood logs and woodchip.
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