Sustainable forestry in Asia Pacific: securing climate mitigation and livelihoods

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Hosted by: Australian Forest Products Association

Summary: Sustainable forestry is a key tool in governments’ achieving respective nationally determined contributions. This panel will discuss the challenges, opportunities and success stories of sustainable forest managements across the Asia Pacific. Opportunity to also talk about the Indo-Pacific Carbon Offsets Scheme 

Date and Time: Saturday 12 Nov 2022 – 4pm (EET)

Location: Australian Pavilion

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Travis Wacey

National Policy Research Officer, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

Since 2009, Travis has been the National Policy Research Officer for an Australian trade union which represents workers in the forestry and manufacturing sectors. 

Prior to this, he was a government advisor on issues related to Australia’s export trade in agricultural and forest products.

Travis has been and is at the forefront of the development of Australian forest and forestry related public policy.He serves on several advisory committees and policy forums to government and is currently a member of the Australian Labor Party’s National Policy Forum.   

Travis has also represented his union on policy committees of Global Union Federations. He has also been heavily involved in the development of Australia’s National Standards for Sustainable Forest Management and Chain of Custody.

Travis has worked and is currently engaged as a project manager by ForestWorks, an industry owned not-for-profit organisation providing services to support skills development in forest and forest products industries.

Regan Pairojmahakij

Senior Program Officer: Landscapes Collaboration in a Changing Climate, RECOFTC

The Centre for People and Forests (RECOFTC), an international organisation that works to enhance capacities for stronger rights, improved governance and fairer benefits for local people

Regan is Senior Program Officer at RECOFTC for Landscapes Collaboration in a Changing Climate. Her work focuses on developing a portfolio of landscape programs in RECOFTC’s seven focal countries which employ a forest landscape approach to achieve social and ecological outcomes at scale.

Climate mitigation and resilience are the threads pulling together this landscape level work. These focus on opportunities for market based solutions such as through carbon projects, bankable Nature based Solutions, a community forest based approach to climate change adaptation and the piloting of key indicators and landscape level monitoring approaches. Previously Regan has worked with WWF Greater Mekong program championing conservation in the Dawna Tenasserim transboundary landscape, with RECOFTC in various different roles including as lead of a civil society network on REDD+ and with FAO as long-term consultant on regional forest policy.

Current interests include: landscape and habitat connectivity, forest landscape restoration, biodiversity conservation, market based approaches yielding ecological benefits and strengthening climate resilience.

Michael Barbara

Director Business Development, New Forests

Michael has worked in the forestry investment management sector for over 17 years, primarily across roles in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. 

Michael is committed to being part of the positive evolution of the global forestry asset class, which in a world where sustainability has become paramount, provides attractive risk adjusted returns through the production of sustainable forest products and ecosystem services.

In his current role as Director, Business Development at New Forests, Michael identifies investment strategies that generate excellent returns to clients but also enrich the landscapes and communities where they operate by addressing environmental and social challenges.

Ranjila Singh

Climate Change Mitigation Specialist, Climate Change and International Cooperation Division at Ministry of Economy, Fiji

Ranjila Singh is a Climate Change Mitigation Specialist at Climate Change and International Cooperation Division at Ministry of Economy, Fiji. 

Ranjila is providing technical, policy and programming implementation support and oversight pertaining to climate change mitigation component of the National Climate Change Policy, the Climate Change Act, Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Fiji’s commitment to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Mr. Rexon Viranamangga 

Director of the Department of Forests of Vanuatu

Mr Viranamangga is the Director of the Department of Forests of Vanuatu. In the the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity. Mr Viranamangga has a Diploma of Forestry (PNG), Bachelor of Forestry (SCU), Grad Dip Environmental Management and Development (ANU), Masters of Science Forestry (SCU).

Ms Sara Bray 

Senior Policy Manager – Australian Forest Products Association

Sara Bray is a Senior Policy Manager at the Australian Forest Products Association. For nine years, Ms Bray has been working in government policy at a National, State and local government level. Sara has worked for Federal and State Ministers for Agriculture and has also spent time working for State Attorneys-General specialising in protecting people in vulnerable situations.  Before her career in government policy, Sara was a commercial lawyer, graduating from the University of Adelaide with LLB (Hons) and Bachelor of Environmental Studies. Growing up in regional Australia, Sara is a strong believer in practical solutions for climate change, and is a passionate advocate for forestry as a practical and commercial option for farmers and government policy makers alike.

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Title image credit: ©FAO/Joan Manuel Baliellas 17 May 2012

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