Hosted by: The Australian Forest Products Association and Brazilian Tree Industry
Summary: Planted forests make up 7% of the world forestry estate, but produce 50% of global industrial roundwood supply, and this percentage is expected to increase.
Plantation trees – like all trees – also store carbon, and as rotational plantation forestry is designed around use of logs and replanting of the trees, the overall climate mitigation benefit continues stepping up over the rotations.
But planted forests have their critics who contend that they lead to decreased biodiversity outcomes and land use change.
Is there a role for plantations in the global climate challenge and if so what do the four R’s look like?
Right tree, Right place, Right scale, Right purpose.
Date and Time: Friday 11 Nov 2022 – 12:30pm (EET)
Location: International Chamber of Commerce Pavilion and online
Joel is a former Australian Member of Parliament. Throughout his extensive 26 year career in the Parliament, Joel served in Cabinet and held the ministerial portfolios of Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Minister for Defence, and Chief Government Whip.
He also held several shadow portfolios including Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Shadow Minister for Resources, Shadow Minister for Rural and Regional Australia, Shadow Minister for Small Business and Tourism, and Shadow Assistant Treasurer.
Joel retired from the Australian Parliament in 2022 and now serves on the board of the Australian Forest Products Association, the Crawford Fund and is a special counsel for CMAX Advisory.
Walter Schalka is CEO of Suzano, a position he has held since January 2013. The executive has played a strategic role in the evolution of the company’s results in recent years, including the combination between Suzano Pulp and Paper and Fibria Celulose, concluded in 2019.
Walter holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and a graduate degree in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation of São Paulo (FGV-SP). He also participated in executive programs at IMD (Switzerland) and Harvard University (USA).
Nominated as Fastmarkets RISI’s Latin American CEO of the year – pulp and paper industry – in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2022, he was elected one of the 15 Best CEOs in Brazil by Forbes in 2018.
Michael has worked in the forestry investment management sector for over 17 years, primarily across roles in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Michael is committed to being part of the positive evolution of the global forestry asset class, which in a world where sustainability has become paramount, provides attractive risk adjusted returns through the production of sustainable forest products and ecosystem services.
In his current role as Director, Business Development at New Forests, Michael identifies investment strategies that generate excellent returns to clients but also enrich the landscapes and communities where they operate by addressing environmental and social challenges.
Ranjila Singh is a Climate Change Mitigation Specialist at Climate Change and International Cooperation Division at Ministry of Economy, Fiji. Ranjila is providing technical, policy and programming implementation support and oversight pertaining to climate change mitigation component of the National Climate Change Policy, the Climate Change Act, Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Fiji’s commitment to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Diana is a resource economist with a Master in Environmental Studies and has over forty years’ experience as a consultant working across the forestry, agriculture, and mining sectors, with specific experience on economic assessment and strategic planning issues associated with forestry.
She is a member of the Institute of Management Consultants of Australia, the Environment Institute of Australia and has served on the AFPA Board since 2019. Diana is also currently a Director of Agrifutures Australia, Riverina Local Land Services, the Murray Region Forest Industries Hub, and Softwoods Working Group.
Diana has previously served as a Director with many organisations, including the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation, NSW Rural Assistance Authority and NSW Climate Change Council, as well as being a Council Member with the Australian Conservation Foundation. Diana completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Graduate Diploma in 2003 and was included in the Australian list of “100 Women of Influence in Agriculture” in 2014.
Mrs. Gervassi is a Peruvian forester with a master’s degree in environmental sciences. She has 15 years’ experience in issues related to forest certification, from the technical and implementation side to market development and corporate engagement for the promotion of responsible forest management.
Mrs. Gervassi has extensive international experience. She has worked in long-term positions in Argentina, Peru, Germany and Australia.
In her previous position as FSC Regional Director for Latin America, her role was focused on developing enabling conditions and support for the growth of FSC in the region including the re-establishment of formal FSC representation in Mexico. At the moment, the Latin American region has more than 15 million hectares FSC certified.
As Climate and Restoration Director, Ms Gervassi leads strategic position of FSC in the Global Climate and Restoration agenda, develop advocacy actions with governments and the private sector and deliver co – created solutions to tackle the current climate and biodiversity actions in alliance with key partners.
Agustin Rosello Hinrichs is President of the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA).
IFSA is the biggest network of forestry students and young professionals in the world, with representation in 60+ countries, 130+ universities and 11.000+ members.
Mr. Rosello Hinrichs is a recently graduated Chilean Forest Engineer and has been involved in international spaces for over 2 years. With a specialization in Forest Management, Forest Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration he tries to find the balance between Production, Conservation and Restoration.
Elected IFSA president at the 50th Anniversary of the International Forestry Students Symposium, Mr. Rosello Hinrichs became the first Latin American President of the association.
With experience in the Ministry of Environment of Chile, IUFRO, FAO and FSC, Agustin brings together the vision not only of students but of youth involved in the international, national and private sector.
Mr Shoko is the Regional Education Officer for Africa and Middle East Region at the Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mr Shoko has been with the BWI Global Trade Union for more than 8 years and works closely with affiliates in Africa and Middle East organising in construction, building material, wood and forestry sectors.
Some of his responsibilities includes building capacities of trade unions and help in campaigns on various themes such including occupational health and safety and climate change.
Mr Shoko holds a BSc (Honours) Degree in Land and Water Resources and MBA from the Midlands State University in Gweru, Zimbabwe
Nat Sommerville is a cropping and livestock farmer, a mother, mentor, and a proud Torres Strait Islander descendant from the clan Wagadagam of Mabuyag Island from her father’s side. Nat has been living and working on Ngadjuri Country in Mid North South Australia for over 15 years with her husband and two children, and believes when families are well supported and have access to good quality services, rural communities will thrive.
Natalie is currently the President of Australian Women in Agricuture (AWiA). Driven by her passion for sustainable agriculture, the environment and social justice, her focus is on influencing positive change in rural Australia and seeing greater innovation, inclusion of gender and age, and respect for diverse backgrounds.
When Nat is not farming she is mentoring Aboriginal students in local schools and assisting educators to deliver respectful First Nations histories, perspectives and cultural content in lesson plans.
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