National Cabinet Update 25 March

On the evening of Wednesday 25 March the National Cabinet provided its latest update on the COVID-19 restrictions. National Cabinet Update 250320

Due to spikes in infection rates Victoria has increased restrictions

From Sunday Victoria has increased restrictions in both Melbourne and regional areas. In Melbourne the restrictions are at level four with a curfew in place. – 200802 Vic_PreM_MR Melbourne Restrictions. Regional Victoria has gone back to level three. – 200802 – Statement On Changes To Regional Restrictions

New Tasmanian travel restrictions

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has announced anyone taking non essential travel in Tasmania will have to sign a notice that they understand the rules regarding self-isolation and what their obligations are. Tasmanian Impact Update 260320

Tasmanian Relief Announced

The Tasmanian Government has release more details of its relief assistance. Tasmanian Premier announces relief package 260320

National Cabinet Meeting 29 March

The latest meeting of the National Cabinet met on Sunday 29 March announcing further restrictions. National Cabinet Meeting Statement 290320

Delays to plant certification

The Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment advises that due to a range of new processes to manage the risks of CoVid-19, clients should expect delays. More information can be found here.

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