The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ross Hampton, is this week attending Food and Agriculture (FAO) meetings in Rome, including the 59th Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI) meeting today.
The ACSFI serves as a forum to provide guidance on FAO work relevant to the paper and forest products industry. The ACSFI is comprised of forestry experts from a wide range of countries covering all aspects of the forest products industry. ACSFI members from across the world will gather to discuss key issues impacting industry and policy development, such as the bio-economy, sustainable development, zero deforestation initiatives, and the role of forests and forest products in achieving international Sustainable Development Goals.
One of the key topics to be discussed at the ACSFI meeting will be the significant role that bioenergy plays in emissions reduction around the world. Bioenergy is a unique renewable source that can be used across all three energy sectors (transport, heat and electricity). Bioenergy can be both dispatchable and deliver baseload power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Biomass waste and residues can substitute for coal in coal fired power station units. Bioenergy is well suited to powering many existing rural and regional manufacturers.
Mr Ross Hampton said, “It is really important for our Australian forest product industries to attend a global meeting of this scale. It represents a great opportunity for international information sharing and to highlight to the world the vital role our industries play in a low-carbon global economy, which is moving rapidly to greater use of renewable bio-based products, including bioenergy and biofuels.”
“Australian forest products industries are sustainable, renewable and managed to world class standards. I’m looking forward to showcasing our industries on an international stage and participating in the global discourse on sustainable forest products industries worldwide,” Mr Hampton said.
The ACSFI is a FAO statutory body comprising private forest product industry representatives, that meets annually to provide guidance on the FAO Forestry Department activities. For more information on ACSFI activities, visit here.