Plantation Forest Biosecurity Plan
To ensure its future viability and sustainability, it is vital that the Australian plantation forest industry minimises the risks posed by exotic pests and responds effectively to plant pest threats. The Plantation forest biosecurity plan is a framework to coordinate biosecurity activities and investment for Australia’s plantation forest industry. It provides a mechanism for industry, governments, and stakeholders to better prepare for, and respond to, incursions of Emergency Plant Pests (EPP) that could have significant impacts on the plantation forest industry. It aims to assist plantation forest owners and managers to evaluate the inherent risks within their current activity across the biosecurity continuum, formally identify and prioritise exotic plant pests, and focus on future biosecurity challenges.
The Planatation Forest Biosecurity Plan was coordinated by Plant Health Australia (PHA) and developed through a partnership approach using governemnt and industry resources and expertise. This review was undertaken with financial support from Forest and Wood Products Australia.
The full document is available here: The Planatation Forest Biosecurity Plan.
Biosecurity Manual for the Plantation Timber Industry
This manual is designed to be used by foresters, contractors, forest managers and consultants. It highlights the basic biosecurity activities that can minimise the risk of introducing and spreading weeds, pests and diseases.
The full document is available here: Biosecurity Manual for the Plantation Timber Industry