Record growth in the Australian forestry sector is creating jobs and driving investment in regional Australia, highlighting the industry’s importance to the Australian economy and the enormous potential for continued growth.
The Australian forest and wood products statistics: March and June quarters 2016 report published today by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) reports the volume and value of logs harvested in Australia has reached record levels in 2015-16.
Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) CEO, Mr Ross Hampton, said this was great news for Australia, where the forestry industry is a major employer in many regional areas.
“At a time when Australian manufacturing is in decline and regional unemployment is high, the sustained growth of the forestry sector is testament to the success of the industry’s focus on innovation, sustainability and international trade,” Mr Hampton said.
“AFPA works closely with the Federal Government to build on this agenda through initiatives such as the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation and the development of a National Wood and Fibre Plan, and through ongoing efforts to have the forestry sector included in the Emissions Reduction Fund and for the inclusion of bioenergy in renewable energy policy development.”
Mr Hampton said the Commonwealth-appointed Forest Industry Advisory Council has provided a clear roadmap for the policy settings needed to enable the industry to achieve its potential.
“If we want to support local manufacturing, regional employment, truly sustainable industries and reduce carbon emissions then we should support Australia’s renewable forestry industry.”