Now that the dust has finally settled on the Election, the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) congratulates the Coalition on its election success, and looks forward to progressing the significant potential of our renewable and sustainable forest industries.
Chief Executive Officer of AFPA Mr Ross Hampton said, “AFPA is ready to collaborate with the Turnbull Government, provide industry advice, and look to implement policies that will underpin the future success of our forest industries in Australia,”
Mr Hampton said, “During the election we sought answers from the major political Parties on nine key policy issues that would set the forest industries up for the future. These were: implementation of a National Forest and Fibre Plan; plantation investment support; support for R&D through a National Institute for Forest Products Innovation; recognition of thermal heat in the Renewable Energy Target (RET); strengthening of the anti-dumping system; promotion of renewable bioenergy opportunities from biomass; funding for farm forestry; bushfire mitigation through a national mechanical fuel reduction program; and renewal of the Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs).”
“The Coalition made some positive policy announcements during the election, including: the commitment to finalise a National Forest and Fibre Plan; $4 million in new funding for two hubs of the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation; continued improvements to the anti-dumping system; develop farm forestry; continued support for native forest waste renewable energy certificates in the RET; and to renew the RFAs. We welcomed these announcements at that time, but now the rubber needs to hit the road,” Mr Hampton said.
“We will continue our constructive relationships with the Coalition Government, other major parties and the newly elected Crossbenchers, to progress our key policy issues and ensure recognition of the significant role that the forest industries can play in our low carbon future,” Mr Hampton said.
Forest, wood and paper product industries are renewable, recyclable and sustainable. They are a vital part of our regional and rural communities, contributing $20 billion to the national economy and around 120,000 direct jobs across the full value chain.
For more information, please see the ‘Build the Vote’ website here.
13.07.2016 With the election over, action now needed on forest industries policy