IPCC Report should prompt urgent action on Australia’s One Billion Trees plan
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has previously stated that: “A sustainable forest management strategy aimed at maintaining or increasing forest carbon stocks, while producing an annual sustained yield of timber, fibre or energy from the forest, will generate the largest sustained mitigation benefit.” IPCC 4th Assessment Yesterday the IPCC released its Sixth Assessment […]
In the midst of a pandemic the Wilderness Society shows a callous disregard for Victorian Workers in…
On the same day the Victorian Government announced that, due to CoVid-19 lockdowns, the state economy will likely be in a deep recession with the loss of potentially tens of thousands of jobs, The Wilderness Society has taken its extremist campaign against the state’s sustainably-managed native forest industries to an international audience, and trivialised the […]
Victorian Government must provide certainty for native timber industry with Code review
The Australian Forest Products Association has cautiously welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of a review of the Code of Practice for Timber Production to address the relentless tide of vexatious litigation waged by anti-forestry groups. In making the announcement, Victorian Minister for the environment Lily D’Ambrosio recognised the need to “minimise the risk to short-term […]
New NT Forest industry Association will help top end operations expand
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has welcomed the formal announcement of the Forest Industry Association Northern Territory (FIANT). FIANT represents all major forestry enterprises in the Northern Territory, which produces around $115 million worth of timber products annually, employs around 170 people directly, and manages 42,000 hectares of plantations and large areas of native […]
Interim Report backs need for RFA clarity in EPBC Act
Professor Graeme Samuel’s interim report into the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act has backed the need for clarity around Regional Forest Agreements following last month’s Federal Court decision, paving the way for urgent amendments to the EPBC Act to provide certainty for Australia’s sustainable native forest industries, the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) […]
Real DEAL delivered for top end indigenous forestry – but opportunity exists for industry to…
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has welcomed the announcement of a new research project looking at ways of boosting commercial forestry for indigenous communities in East Arnhem Land. This project is being delivered by the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) with lead partner Developing East Arnhem Limited (DEAL), which is an independent not-for-profit […]
Premier Andrews right to support forestry innovation centre but wrong to claim the research will not…
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has applauded the announcement of a joint Commonwealth/Victorian Centre for Forest Products Innovation but criticised the Andrew’s Government for pretending the Centre will support the closure of the renewable native forest sector in Victoria. AFPA Chief Executive Officer Ross Hampton said, “It is extremely disappointing that the Andrew’s Government […]
New recycling modernisation fund will underpin more paper recycling in Australia
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has welcomed today’s announcement by the Federal Government it will invest in Australia’s waste and recycling capacity, and help enable more waste-paper and cardboard to be recycled domestically. The Morrison Government will commit $190 million to a new Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) that will generate $600 million of recycling […]
State government stimulus measures needed to support ‘Homebuilder’
Australian Bureau of Agricultural & Resource Economics & Sciences (ABARES) Insights Report# is a timely reminder of the forecast looming drop in new home and associated timber demand and the ongoing need for targeted stimulus measures to boost new construction. The Insights Report details the significant impacts of bushfires and Covid-19 on construction and our […]
Tens of millions of new production trees to be planted, thanks to Morrison Government
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s removal of regulatory barriers to enable production tree planting on farms and in plantations. The announcement will pave the way for tens of millions of new trees to potentially be planted over the coming decade as these activities will now be supported through the […]