Great Koala National Park a $757 million and 2000 job loss to NSW economy

Independent economic modelling of the impact of the proposed Great Koala National Park on the NSW North Coast has found it could lead to a $757 million a year hit to the NSW economy and cut almost 2000 jobs, devastating communities across the region where the timber industry is a major employer. The Ernst & […]

NSW forest industries call for leadership to grow our renewable forest industries in new Hubs

NSW’s forest industries are calling on the Coalition and Labor parties to commit to growing the state’s forest plantation estate ahead of next month’s state election to create more regional jobs and meet growing demand for Australian timber. Timber NSW General Manager Maree McCaskill and Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) Chief Executive Officer Ross Hampton […]

Climate Proofing Australia urges Coalition to use $500m from new ERF funding to prioritise co-benefi…

Climate Proofing Australia: A whole-of-landscape approach to tackling climate change  The Climate Proofing Australia (CPA) alliance welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement to inject $2 Billion into the Emissions Reduction Fund, and calls for at least $500 million of the new funds to prioritise land-based carbon solutions.  Carbon sequestration has been the largest source of emissions reduction in […]

Climate Proofing Australia: A whole-of-landscape approach to tackling climate change

Agriculture, forestry and ecological restoration leaders call for allied front on climate policy 20 February 2019, Canberra – Representatives from the agriculture, forestry and ecological restoration industries have today launched an unprecedented cross-sector alliance and collaborative land management approach to Australia’s climate change mitigation strategy. The Climate Proofing Australia (CPA) alliance advocates for a whole-of-landscape approach to […]

AFPA congratulates both Circa and Norske Skog Australasia on bio-based solvent progress

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) congratulates both Circa Group and Norske Skog Australasia on news that their FC5 large scale prototype plant is now online, paving the way for large sample quantities of its non-toxic, bio-based solvent Cyrene® to be sent overseas for testing, Chief Executive Officer of AFPA, Mr Ross Hampton said today. […]

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