The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization’s (UN FAO) Committee on Forestry (COFO) will meet in coming days to explore and progress the UN’s direction and agenda for the world’s forest industries, Chair of the UN FAO Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest Based Industries (ACSFI) and CEO of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA), Ross Hampton said today.
This is COFO’s 26th session (COFO26) from 3-7 October, in Rome, Italy. The event also coincides with the 8th World Forest Week (WFW2022) that has harnessed the Growing a Better Planet theme and is running from 29 September-7 October.
“The ACSFI will have a key role at COFO pushing the credentials of sustainable forest industries fighting global climate change alongside the challenge of growing timber and fibre needed to create sustainable products of the future,” Ross Hampton said.
“As the world comes to terms with what’s actually required to fight climate change, there is excitement internationally that increased sustainable forestry and wood and fibre production is a logical part of the broader solution. This overarching belief will drive attitudes at COFO26, and lay platforms before the world meets in Egypt for COP27 in November.”
A number of different forestry issues will feature on the COFO26 agenda in addition to climate change solutions, including: the state of global forests, links between agriculture and forestry, youth career development, landscape restoration, biodiversity and ecosystems, finance and investment and science and innovation.
As ACSFI Chair, Ross Hampton will have a key role facilitating COFO including chairing the ACSFI steering committee meeting, which includes discussing forestry’s role fighting climate change and reporting at the ‘Dialogue with Statutory Bodies in forestry’ session. Ross Hampton will participate in a WFW sustainable wood panel and the youth career development event.
“COFO will play a critical role positioning forestry and forest industries ahead of the upcoming COP27 in Egypt where the world will canvass solutions to fight climate change and limit global temperature increases. With the right political will and international policy direction, forestry can realise its potential on the world stage,” Ross Hampton concluded.