The Tasmanian Forest Products Association is deeply disappointed with unsubstantiated commentary from the WWF after throwaway comments linked deforestation to Tasmanian forestry and the ending of the Tasmanian Forest Agreement.
“It is wrong to link Tasmania’s forest industry to deforestation”, Tasmanian Forest Products Association CEO, Nick Steel said.
“Tasmania’s forest industry is the ultimate renewable; it replants for the future according to a long-term plan; it helps tackle climate change by taking carbon dioxide out of the air and storing it (a fact acknowledged by the IPCC); and it supports more than 5,700 direct and indirect jobs in our state.
“For every tree harvested in Tasmania another one is planted, ensuring generations to come can continue to benefit from the highly valuable resource forestry provides.
“Since the Tasmanian Forest deal was repealed in 2014 there hasn’t been a single additional hectare made available for harvesting as result of the agreement ending.
“Quite frankly it’s scandalous an organisation with supposed scientific credibility can suggest otherwise in the public sphere with such a throwaway comment, without supporting evidence.
“On behalf of the Tasmanian forest industry the TFPA urges WWF to urgently correct the record.”
You can find the original media release here: Media Release – TFPA deeply disappointed with unsubstantiated WWF commentary